About PVCSD's Web Filter

PVCSD must comply with the filtering requirements as described by the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). CIPA requires a web filter for schools that filters access to obscene or harmful content over the Internet. We will monitor the online activites of minors and employ technology protection measures during any use of our network by minors and adults.

Today, most websites use SSL, an encryption protocol that ensures the data passed between the web server and browser remains private, so that hackers can’t intercept this information as it is being transmitted. Websites that begin with the URL string “https” are using SSL encryption. Nearly all search engines, such as Google, social media sites like Facebook, and any other site that requires a login, use SSL encryption. In order to ensure that our Internet access continues to meet CIPA requirements, we must decrypt that SSL Internet traffic or block all access to sites that use it, which would block most content teachers depend on daily, like Google Classroom.

Without SSL decryption, if a student conducts a search on Google, our filter can only see that the student was on Google, but cannot see the search terms the student entered. With SSL decryption, the content filter decrypts the search request, inspects it for compliance with the filtering rules, and then re-encrypts the request and completes the transaction, if appropriate.

Not only does providing this decryption allow us to better filter search results, it also allows more granular control of access. So instead of blocking YouTube altogether, students can be given partial access to educational materials, and staff can be given greater access so that educational materials can be found. This is critical as many educational websites use services like YouTube and Amazon to house their videos.

The necessary certificate is already installed on every device provided by the district. Should you connect with a personal device, it will also need the PVCSD issued certificate installed.

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